A Trojan Horse

When a caller says the word “kittens” it’s like I blinders immediately come down and I am totally focused on getting these kittens off the streets. So out we went on Monday night to trap these kittens.

We decided to use the drop trap in order to get all four of them at once, which is the preferred way to trap a litter of kittens. We set up the drop trap and stood back. My job was to pull the string that would knock the piece of wood out that holds up the trap, dropping the trap on the kittens.

Mom came out first and sniffed the trap then walked away. Next came the kittens. Two walked into the trap perfectly and then the third one trotted out. Instead of going towards the trap, he went to the string. He began to play with the string that I was supposed to pull. He batted it between his little paws, he chewed on it a little. He even rolled on his back and tried to climb it. He had no clue that the wrong move would send a very large trap on his brothers and sister.

I was freaking out. This 1 1/2 lb kitten is going to ruin my trapping. I was trying to shoo away this little kitten but not scare them out of the trap. I must have looked a bit nuts as I was whisper shouting “shoo” to these little kittens. Like I’ve stated before I get a bit intense during kitten season and my crazy cat lady was teetering towards 4 at this moment. Thankfully the little kitten decided that the food in the trap was much more exciting than the string that wasn’t providing that much entertainment.

After about 10 minutes all four kittens went into the trap and I successfully pulled the string and took them into kitty custody. Forrest, Bubba, Lt. Dan, and Jenny are now in intensive “from feral to friendly” training at my house, I just hope that the rest of them can forgive and forget what little Forrest tried to do to the rest of them . I guess it’s true what they say, trapping is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get >^..^<

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