Cleaning House

Before I learned what TNR was I began simply collecting cats. At one point I believe we had 7… it was a lot. Someone would call saying they had a friendly cat and I immediately would take him or her into our family. Over the years our litter had decreased to 4, Trixi and Mr. Buttons (litter mates), Lucky, and Remi. With so many fosters coming in and out of the house I always want to make sure that my resident cats are healthy and well taken care of.

Though cats take very good care of themselves I am a strong believer in bathing your cats. I personally bathe my cats once every 1-2 months. I think it’s just nice for them to get a nice shampoo and blow-dry especially for the places they cannot reach with regular grooming. Bathing your cat helps with their skin health as well as removing excess hair that might be dead or damaged. Having so many transient residents in my home I do not want my cats to pick up any skin conditions or even worse fleas (that has NEVER happened before due to my cleanliness).

Tonight was bath night. I try to grab the cats when they are least expecting it. I bathe everyone separately and then keep the already bathed cats in one room so the others do not catch on and can run from the inevitable. Since water and cats do not really mix it is always best to try and bathe your cat when they are most mellow. This could be after a play session or while they are napping on the couch. Next you want to brush the cats to remove any loose fur or dirt. Shampoo and water come next, and finally a nice blow dry (but not too hot).

Bathing your cats can be challenging but worth the effort.  A clean kitty is a happy kitty

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